YA Ministry
Sunday Nights: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
1st & 3rd Sunday of every month
Location: Student Center
(Entrance at the front of the parking lot)
Young Adults ages 18-25 years of age, we meet twice monthly to hang out and grow together in our faith. You're in a new chapter of your life. Come join us as we walk through this life together!
Youth Pastor: Mac Coleman

Men's Ministry
Interested in getting connected with the men of the church? Reach out to our Senior Pastor and Men's Ministry Leader, Charles Stoddard.
Our goal for the Men's Ministry at Southside is to see Men be equipped to be the Man of God that God has planned for them to be and to effectively lead in their families, church, and community. We have two main events to help in our ministry endeavor. The first is an Annual Men's Retreat. The second is our Men's Bible Study which occurs on a regular basis and is divided up in 6-week intervals.
Leader: Charles Stoddard

Women's Ministry
We have a variety of small groups to join. Get in contact with us about getting connected with one that you feel fits you best!
The Women’s Ministry of Southside is designed to encourage and grow women in their walk with the Lord. The Women’s Ministry Leadership Team schedules Monday night Bible studies which take place in the Spring and the Fall annually. They also plan events throughout the year to promote fellowship and growth. Members of the Leadership Team are also responsible for scheduling, organizing and hosting wedding and baby showers for our church members.
Leader: JoAnn Graham

Music Ministry
The Praise and Worship Community at Southside Community Church was formed to lead (serve) and unite the church fellowship in songs of praise and adoration, as well as provide a place for those who feel gifted to serve within the body of Christ with their talents and abilities.
The Music Ministry is committed to lifting up and glorifying God through music as we lead others in celebration, thanksgiving, and praise. Our aim is to point people to Jesus, not ourselves, and we are honored to serve in this calling.
The Music Ministry provides leadership, support, training and a place to serve for those who believe they are gifted by the Holy Spirit. This may include participating in congregational leading for the adult, student, and children’s services, as well as leading in the small group meetings.
We take praise and worship very seriously at Southside. Ultimately, true worship is about more than just playing music, it’s about a life surrendered to Jesus!
Leader: Andy Waldon

Small Groups
Small Groups create connection and share care.
Throughout the history of the church, small gatherings of believers meeting around the Lordship of Jesus Christ have played the most vital of roles. From the time of the disciples and the early church and even until today, these small gatherings have changed countless lives, helped the church to grow and provided the closeness of a well knitted community. These small groups give the church the ability to grow larger and smaller at the same time!
Surround yourself with encouragement, support and God's help for life’s daily grind. Some of our small groups meet at Southside on Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings and others meet in homes throughout the week.
From young to old, singles to couples, and everyone in between, there is a small group for you to connect with at Southside.
Leader: John Carter